We are excited to welcome you to campus this fall for classes. In keeping with state guidelines surrounding COVID-19, New Student Orientation will be hosting a virtual experience throughout the summer, rather than on-campus events. As of 6/11, August sessions have also been moved online. For those who have signed up for orientation, 哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili:bilibili是国内知名的视频弹幕网站,这里有最及时的动漫新番,最棒的ACG氛围,最有创意的Up主。大家可伍在这里找到许多欢乐。. For those who are planning to attend a University of Arkansas orientation session, but have not signed up yet, please register soon.
In the meantime, if you have any questions at all, please reach out to us at nso@uark.edu or 479-575-4200. We are standing by to connect.
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